Wednesday 18 September 2013

wood carving

West Africa is rich in arts and craft, and so much can be found in Ghana. Arts for sake do not traditionally exist in Africa. In Ghana, you can find beautiful hand woven textiles, old and new beads brass works gold jewellery, ceramics, paintings, sculptures, and wood carvings. Such items can be found in places like centre for national culture also called the arts centre, AACD the African Market, Village market, Wild Geeko, Sun Trade Beads, Global Mamas and others.
There are many others forms of wooden carvings that do not only play a significant role in ceremonial and traditional life, but that have an aesthetic value as well. Look at the carvings at the top of chiefs and linguists staffs, each embedded with symbolism.

The ubiquitous akwaaba fertility dolls come in many different shapes, sizes and styles. There are also many masks and sculptures available. Masks are often copies from other African cultures as there is no tradition of mask making among the tribes of Ghana. 

 Another symbol used by artiste in Ghana is the adinkra. A particular textile associated with Ghana is the adinkra cloth, which bears symbols by the same name. The cloth is generally associated with funerals and special celebrations. However, the symbols can be seen everywhere, from walls to candlestick to tro-tros. Each one has a name and meaning, as well as an aesthetic appeal.
This artefact is an example of the adinkra is called “Gye nyame” in the local dialect of the Asante in Ghana, translated as “Except God”. Thus nothing is impossible without God.
Beads also play an important role in West African life. They are worn to signify special occasion, wealth and status. Today most artistes in Ghana add brass and beads to decorate their carvings.
This is a craft market along liberation road. Here you will find makeshift kioks resembling a shanty town. Nevertheless this quiet community has created some of the most artistic and beautiful works of arts, wooden adinkra symbols, traditional stools, decorated coffins, exquisite carvings. There is a whole community of skills and talented indigenous craftsmen, a visit into the village itself bring one close to the artist at work. In other to take pictures one must either buy an artefact or pay a stipulated fee.
Directions: Located along liberation Road on your left from max mat at 37 next to Opeibia house and before the traffic light of silver stare tower.   

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